
Zen Mastery

With this ebook you are about to discover the Ancient Arts of self-discovery in order to be more mindful and grounded while attracting the abundance you deserve.By mastering this ancient art from the early 6th century, you can finally become truly extraordinary with balance in all areas of life: physically, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally.

This blueprint is designed to help you develop successful habits to help you achieve mindfulness and have a laser-focus mind...And enables you to fight all the constant distractions coming your way to help you be more productive and stay clear of your goals.

You will learn:

How to have a simpler, purposeful, and more productive life by decluttering your life
Discover the 6th-century productivity method revealed in Chapter 1
ONE Zen practice you can practice right away to experience deep calmness instantly (Chapter 1)
The ONE thing that’s holding you back from getting inner peace (Chapter 1)
How controlled breathing can get you out of emotional stress and achieve a Zen life.
7 health benefits you definitely get if you practiced Zen calm breathing
3 simple breathing techniques you can use right away to reap amazing mental benefits
One bad habit you should avoid that will make it difficult to achieve Zen.
3 ways to train your mind to stay focused
How to simplify your life with these 3 simple methods
How to stop overspending, overworking, and overcommitting by avoiding ‘this’ disruptive mentality.
Why you don’t have to wait for years to be happy - A simple life hack that forces you to the happy TODAY!
3 types of meditation you can practice today to develop concentration, clarity and emotional positivity.
How to craft your own routine for balance and increased productivity


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