
Command Your Life And Mind

Discover How Your Thoughts Affect Your Life!

Self Control touches on almost all aspects of happy and healthy living; exercising, eating right, avoiding alcohol and drugs, working harder, studying more and spending less.

Self control or willpower is something that separates humans from our ancient ancestors as well as from the rest of those who belong to the animal kingdom.

Instead of responding to our immediate impulses, human beings can evaluate, has the ability to plan and can avoid doing things that they will regret in the future.

There are times that people lose their self-control which makes things more complicated. Obtaining self-control is a crucial ingredient in being successful in any field or facet of life that we engage in.

Willpower can actually mean the difference between creating good impressions and creating a really terrible one. This can also greatly change your life and the lives of others.

Below is the list of information that you are about to learn:

Chapter 1: The Basics Of Self Control
Chapter 2: Identify Where Your Life Is Out Of Control
Chapter 3: How Your Thoughts Affect Your Life
Chapter 4: Learn To Think Positive
Chapter 5: Using Affirmations
Chapter 6: Learn To Get Rid Of Bad Habits
Chapter 7: The Benefits Of Command And Control
Chapter 8: Staying Motivated To Command And Control Your Mind
Chapter 9: Staying On Track
Chapter 10: Making Resolutions For Command And Control


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